Bus connections, timetables & more...
Hiking bus, climate-friendly arrival & regular service
Timetables & arrival information
Here you will find all important information about traffic obstructions or roadblocks for the journey to the Kaunertal nature park and glacier region.
Find out about bus connections, timetables and public transport in the holiday region Kaunertal in Tirol.
Bus timetable Kaunertal
Here you will find an overview of all timetables in the Kaunertal Nature Park and Glacier Region.
Skibus Glacier Kaunertal & Winterberg Fendels
Here you will find an overview of the ski bus timetables to the Kaunertal Glacier and Winterberg Fendels

In the Nightjet in the mountains
Climate-friendly, comfortable and traffic-free arrival in the Kaunertal nature park and glacier region.
The ÖBB Nightjet takes you comfortably overnight from Hamburg and Düsseldorf to Tyrol. Guests from Amsterdam also travel comfortably to Tyrol with the Nightjet.
Further information, train connections and prices can be found directly on the ÖBB Nightjet website.
WinterRail: By train to Tyrol
Climate-friendly, comfortable and traffic-free arrival in the Kaunertal nature park and glacier region.
Day & night by train comfortably from all over Germany to Tyrol.
Further information, train connections and prices can be found directly on the DB website.